Tacoma Parts has been a long time friend of ours. They’ve had unique ideas for vehicle wraps in the past, which is why we were eager to hear what they had in store for us. After a conversation and taking some measurements of the Ford F450, a concept was developed. In time for Independence Day, The American Flag was going to wrap this truck and showcase their company’s culture.
Our design team’s experience assured this design checks all the necessary boxes when it comes to a well branded and professional vehicle wrap.
1. Keep the information simple. There is only a few seconds to digest what is on a moving vehicle.
2. Large legible font. Assure the information can be read from a distance.
3. Make a statement. Be recognized and remembered everywhere you go.
We are here to help your business acheive it’s goals. Contact us today and speak with our team of professionals.
Renton, WA – Illuminate Channel Letter Signs and Other Signs to Brighten Up Your Storefront
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